

Kaiping Qifan Weaving 28th Anniversary Activities


In the same boat through thick and thin, create brilliant again! Congratulations on the successful conclusion of the 28th anniversary celebration of Qifan Company!

In the same boat through thick and thin, create brilliant again!

Congratulations on the successful conclusion of the 28th anniversary celebration of Qifan Company!

The company's core values: cooperation, enterprising, gratitude, win-win! Looking forward to 2021, a new starting point, a new journey, and looking forward to another success in the future! On this day, I wish Qifan a prosperous business and a grand plan!



Departure to Gao's island








Activity unit














Huang Zong's work report




Chairman Yu delivered a speech




Recognition of employees



















Tug of war













Rich lunch buffet














Intense pool


















Special Makeup Contest

























Happy barbecue















Exciting Draw

















Singing the birthday song